Thursday, October 18, 2007
SIA’s historic A380 arrives in Singapore
A new chapter in Singapore’s aviation history has been written, with the arrival at Changi Airport Terminal 3 of the world’s first superjumbo bought by Singapore Airlines.
The Airbus A380 touched down at approximately 6.40pm (Singapore time) on Wednesday after a 12—hour flight from Toulouse, France
Some 400 guests, including Singapore’s Prime Minister Lee Hsien Loong, were on hand to welcome the A380 which was brought home to land by SIA’s Chief Pilot, Captain Robert Ting.
Speaking at the welcome ceremony, Prime Minister Lee said SIA’s success is a triumph of the ingenuity, hard work and spirit of its people. It is also a source of pride for all Singaporeans and a symbol of the nation’s relentless drive for excellence.
But being a top airline alone is not enough, said the Prime Minister, it also needs good airport infrastructure to complete the travel experience. "In this regard, the launch of the A380 is a milestone not just for SIA, but also for Changi Airport. Changi is the first airport in the world to handle commercial A380 operations."
Changi’s preparedness, said Mr Lee, will stand it in good stead as a key international air hub and strengthen Singapore’s position as a gateway to the Asia Pacific.
SIA has purchased 19 Airbus A380 planes in all and five are expected to be delivered next year. The double—decked aircraft offers greater efficiency, lower fuel emissions and less noise compared to existing long—haul jets.
The new A380 planes are expected to replace SIA’s fleet of 14 Boeing 747 jets, which will be phased out in three to four years.
The superjumbo will be flying to Sydney on 25 October on a charity flight, which has raised some S$1.9 million through an auction of the seats onboard.
SIA will then use the A380 to operate a daily service between Singapore and Sydney. Come next year, A380 planes will also be used to launch a daily service to London.
A big welcome party, that took almost 18 months to organise, was laid out for the arrival of A380 at Changi Airport Terminal 3, a S$1.75 billion facility that will open its doors to the public only in January next year.
Another step closer to your heart 9:20 AM
Tuesday, October 16, 2007
Beijing olympics 2008 Logo
Everyone and i mean EVERYONE in the entire nation knows about the Beijing Olympics in 2008. Everyone saw the new 2008 Olympics logo right ? For those who don't, it looks like this,

Many people including myself kept looking at the logo figuring out what it actually means. What does the logo signify ? And of course, who came out with the idea to have a logo looking like that ? I would say i'm not alone and many people would have the same thought as well.
Well, i figured how the logo came about and i am going to share it with you today,not in words but in a comic strip.
It all began at a execution range where a convict was sentence to death.
The executioners were fully loaded and were ready to fire. They take aim and...

Within seconds, the criminal fell to the ground leaving blood on the wall behind him.
The authorities then looked at the blood stain the criminal had left behind. They figured that it was suitable for the coming Beijing Olympics 2008! And so they did !

And that is how they got the logo for the 2008 Beijing Olympics. Funny Comic strip right ?? LOL !!
Another step closer to your heart 10:10 AM
Monday, October 15, 2007
Recieved an email from the administrator of . I was being asked if i can write articles for their website. I'm so touched and pleased with myself. How can i refuse such an offer, especially from someone who appreciates my work. Thanks alot ishykiel !
Another step closer to your heart 12:26 PM
what i do best
I have friends asking me on how i managed to get a job as a scriptwriter at Mediacorp. I would tell them its all on luck.
I have said this many times to many close friends and relatives. I enjoy puting what i write onto the television screen. Since at the age of 12, the pen and paper were my best friends. I would read a book and re-write the whole story and give it to my parents to judge on the storyline. As i grew older, i would write on the encounters i had in school and compile it into a book and hand it to my form teacher. My passion for writing soon grew from just a hobby to a career i had never dreamed of. Though the datelines are terrible, i always feel a sense of satisfaction whenever a script i wrote goes on air and everything goes smoothly.
I would say, i am not the only person who enjoys writing. Many younger generations have the same dream i had when i was a kid. An advice to the younger generations, do not give up on your dreams, no matter how much problems you encounter on your way, fight hard and chase your dreams. Nothing in this world is easy.
Another step closer to your heart 10:27 AM
Sunday, October 14, 2007
STB Project Postcards Campaign 2007
The Singapore Tourism Board (STB) launches the fifth run of Project Postcard with the theme, “My City. My Life.” The project aims to use Singapore residents as tourism ambassadors to invite friends and family to visit Singapore using STB postcards.
Two sets of four postcards have been produced for Project Postcard 2007 and are now available island-wide at all 62 SingPost post offices, selected Cold Storage, Guardian Pharmacy and McCafe outlets and ZoCard distribution points. SingPost will also be sending the postcards to about 1.35 million homes.
The postcards, which have pre-paid international postage, are also available in electronic versions at the Project Postcard microsite
The STB will organize two draws on 12 November and 6 December with attractive prizes for pairs of senders and receivers of both the postcard and e-card categories.Project Postcard runs for eight weeks until 30 November 2007.
Another step closer to your heart 10:15 AM
Saturday, October 13, 2007
Dunbullshitme has an advertiser !
Thats right ! dunbullshitme has been chosen by an advertiser to post their campaign from 14th Oct - 20th Oct. It may not be a long time but its definately a good eye opener as this is my 1st time having an advertiser.
The campaign is on STB Project Postcards Campaign. I will definately update more details when i'm being informed. Be sure to check back on the details. Adios~!
P/S - Tks alot Nuffnang !
Another step closer to your heart 9:29 AM
Tuesday, October 09, 2007
Change my attitude?
Early Tuesday morning and got ticked off by a lady who can't pronounce her english properly. Don't be mistaken, i do not have a problem with people who can't pronounce their words properly, its only on her..alone !
I'm a jovious kinda person, i brighten up the office everywhere i worked before. I turn a stressful environment into a fun 1. Just because i make my colleagues laugh doesn't mean i'm not serious in my work/job. I take my work seriously and give 101% . DO NOT tell me not to be jovious in the office as by doing that, others will take me more seriously. This freaking sentence that came out from your stinking mouth just lit up the TNT in me.
I fool around when neccessary and its not every single minute. I DO NOT joke when i'm working. If you have a problem with my attitude just tell me straight, don't beat around the bush. Just because you are here for the past 10 years doesn't mean everyone here likes you! I DEFINATELY DON'T !
I will continue to be myself whether be it you like it or not. This is my character. HR hired me for who i am and what i have to give to this company not you ! Just because you show a face in the company and don't give a shit to your colleagues doesn't mean i have to follow you. Stupid BITCH !
If you tongue is too long and you can't pronounce your words properly BITCH, go slice it into half. I had a hard time understanding what you were talking! One last thing, from the way you speak, i can easily tell my knowledge on the English language is MUCH MUCH MUCH more better then yours, DO NOT THINK i DO NOT know how to send emails and MY knowledge on the English Language is NOT lower then YOURS ! I may not have high qualifications, BUT i'm not stupid, I KNOW HOW TO SEND EMAILS YOU FUGHEAD ! I SPEAK PROPER ENGLISH AND NOT BROKEN ONES ! GET IT INTO YOUR HEAD !
Another step closer to your heart 10:34 AM
Thursday, October 04, 2007
busy busy busy ! ! !
So sorry for the lack of updates. Been so busy since i started work @ Mediacorp. Will update a proper post and loads of pictures when i'm not that busy. Take care all !!
Another step closer to your heart 11:50 AM