Wednesday, December 17, 2008
Good Service Star
Has anyone seen the Good Service Star adverts on TV lately? Shows a lady walking around a few shops and stopped and looked at the door and finally entered the store with the Good Service Star sticker on the front door? I find it really dumb to start this idea in the first place.

Besides telling our overseas friends that this particular shop has good service thus having the sticker at the front door, what about those that don't have the sticker? Are we just going to let their business fail?
Singaporeans are tend to be very fussy when it comes to service, especially when they buy something from a service provider, for example, insurance coverage. They can go all out and irritate the customer service officers just because of $1. I know, cos i used to work in an insurance company.
Service comes in many different ways. It depends on how the customers behave in order to get good service. It doesn't matter how much you paid for an item but what kind of service you will get in return. Have you ever wondered what will happen if you were make bad remarks in front of a chef in a restaurant, like telling the chef he doesn't know how to cook? You never know the next moment you might get spit in your next dish.
What kind of service you get depends on your attitude. Don't expect too much in return if you don't understand the meaning of karma,what goes around comes around. I say the Good Service Sticker is not needed just to be fair to every retail store in Singapore. We live, eat and shit in the same country, not ruin and make life miserable for one another.
Another step closer to your heart 10:25 PM
Tuesday, December 16, 2008
Sorry for the lack of updates, been very very busy at work lately. Will update by this week. Take care god bless.
Another step closer to your heart 11:36 AM